
Media companies

Event Management Software for Media Events, Entertainment and PR

Efficient event management for media companies. Discover Sweap, your platform for successful media events that enables maximum reach, seamless branding and an attendance rate of over 90%.

Event teams that trust Sweap

Who is Sweap Made for?

Whether you are an event team or an individual event manager for media events, Sweap is for you if the following applies:

  • You are looking for efficient team collaboration and ensuring consistent branding.

    You're looking for solutions recommended by industry peers to simplify workflows and increase your team's productivity.

  • You don't have a budget for different tools to get the most out of your events.

    Software costs money and the more tools you need for your event management, the more your event budget suffers.

  • You need to be able to prove the ROI of your events, but traditional methods are not enough.

    With software that offers real-time data analysis and reporting, you can measure and visualise the success of your events.

  • You are looking for solutions that offer you a 100% white-labelled experience.

    Brand-compliant events, fully in line with your branding, are the basis for your event marketing strategy.

  • You have to manage both large and small media events efficiently.

    The different requirements for glamorous gala evenings on the one hand, and the important but less visible events on the other, make it difficult for you to deliver consistent quality.

  • You want to increase event registrations through your event marketing.

    You are looking for participation rates of over 90% to achieve maximum event success with minimum effort.

Why Sweap for Media Events and Media Companies?

Sweap is designed specifically for the needs of media companies. Manage everything from industry conferences to internal meetings. Our software offers features such as comprehensive event management, whitelabeling, and target group-oriented communication.

Real-time overview

Comprehensive real-time guest list management

Our software offers advanced solutions for guest management, including personalized communication and an efficient check-in process with QR code. This allows you to ensure that every attendee receives a personalized experience.

On-site, hybrid & virtual

Planning and implementation of all event formats

Sweap offers specialized tools and features that are perfectly tailored to the needs of media companies to successfully organize all formats from internal meetings to industry conferences.

Ideal for event teams

Rights management­ and visibility groups

Define specific rights and roles within your event management software to ensure secure and efficient collaboration within the team, but also with external stakeholders.

Brand-compliant events

Your branding, your CI 

Brand-compliant events, fully branded, that simplify event marketing and help build strong relationships with attendees.

You Are in the Best Company!

Sweap supports hundreds of companies in the planning, implementation & evaluation of events.

Success Story

FUNKE Mediengruppe

Find out how the FUNKE Mediengruppe uses innovative solutions in Sweap to standardize its event management processes, connect 6 locations, increase the number of participants and strengthen data protection.

The support and partnership with Sweap have played a significant role in our event success. The ability to make adjustments and integrate new functions has made Sweap a central component of our event strategy.

Laura Blankenburg Team Lead Events & Marketing, FUNKE Mediengruppe

Why choose Sweap?

  • Absolute Data Security

    We understand data protection - and can guarantee it:

    • Servers in Germany 

    • Certified data encryption 

    • 100% GDPR-compliant

  • Events in under 10 minutes

    Automation does the heavy lifting for you when creating events.   

    • Standardized process  

    • Websites & email templates  

    • AI-supported text creation 

  • Premium Support

    First-class technical support from our highly rated Customer Success Team. 

    • Chat & telephone 

    • In English and German 

    • Detailed Support Center 

Media and ENTerTainment

Your Challenges, Our Solutions

Sweap recognizes the unique challenges of media events, from the need to publish event websites quickly to managing a range of events efficiently. We offer solutions that simplify event marketing and help build strong relationships with partners and attendees.

Sweaps Event
Efficiency Platform

Sweap makes it easier for your entire event team to work together, from Planning to Marketing up to the event.

Multi Events

Everything at a glance: Planning and managing multiple events. Our centralized platform provides a transparent overview of all upcoming events in real time.

Guest Management

All guest data secure and structured in one place. Import guest lists from different sources. Sweap ensures compliance with data protection standards.

CI-compliant Websites

Easily create professional event websites with customized branding and registration forms. Our tools are specifically designed to strengthen the image of media companies.

Event Registration

Registration forms tailored to the needs of the financial sector. Take into account special requirements such as VIP status, security checks and individual preferences.

Event Communication

Event marketing software developed specifically for the needs of media events. Automated communication to effectively inform and engage participants.

On-Site Management

Efficient and secure on-site check-in, including QR code scanning and personalizable badges. Perfect for the professional and discreet handling of guests at media events.

Event Insights

Create detailed reports and analyses to gain deep insights into attendee behavior and the success of your events. Use data to optimize future events.

100% Data Protection

Our event management software meets the highest security standards and guarantees compliance with all data protection regulations, including GDPR.

Premium Support

Benefit from our first-class Customer Success Team, which is specially trained to meet the requirements of media companies.

Sweap for All
Event Formats

With Sweap you can easily manage all formats for media events.

  • Industry conferences

  • Workshops & training courses

  • Networking events

  • Product presentations 

  • Award ceremonies

  • Panel discussions

  • Film & Media Festivals

  • Gala dinner

  • Internal meetings

  • Conferences

  • New Year's reception

  • Sports gala

Media events: efficient, safe, brand-compliant.  

Your brand in the spotlight.

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