Show the value of your event at first glance and make registration a breeze. We help you to make your participants a part of the story and lead them to the moment of wow.
Automated and paperless.
Welcome Your Guestswith Style
Manage guest entries easily with the Sweap mobile app. The Check-In only takes a few seconds: new guests are quickly recorded, and data automatically updates between all devices.
No matter where they are.
Get a Hold of Everyone
How many guests are already there? Who is still missing? With Sweap, you'll always have the right answers. Your digital guest list will provide you with the latest numbers and updated information of each guest.
Mobile. Fast. Flexible.
Print Name TagsOn-Site
No need to pre-produce name tags and force your guests to wait in alphabetically organized lines! Print name tags conveniently on the spot with Sweap's Check-in App.
Ask yourself when exactly your guests will arrive on site and in what time frame the accreditation will take place. Will the guests all arrive at once within a short period of time? Then you need to plan more counters and pay more attention to avoiding pinholes on site . our Event Check-In Software helps you with this challenge.
2. How manyguests...
It is always important to know how many guests you are actually expecting. If you know when and how many guests are coming, you can actually estimate how the accreditation process needs to work. It is helpful if you can use the data from previous events, e.g. to see when and how many guests were checked in during which period.
3. Where...
Now it's mainly about the conditions on-site. What exactly does the entrance area look like? Where do the guests arrive and where do they have to walk to? Are there any tight spots they have to pass on their way? Try to take the factors on site into account as much as possible. If there are any critical points, plan in advance. Waiting is not nice, and if your guests have to stand outside in the blazing sun or wind and rain, they will quickly get fed up.
4. Whatneeds to be done...
Events never go 100% according to plan. As an event organizer, you have to prepare yourself for even the most unlikely occurrences. Guests that cancel show up nonetheless, VIPs decide to spontaneously bring their entourage along, somebody important shows up without a ticket. Your guest management system has to accommodate for situations like these. Make sure you have the flexibility to make last-minute changes to your guest list.
More efficient events. Longer attendee relationships.