Don’t waste time transferring data. As a data expert, you need a tool that integrates effortlessly into your current ecosystem. Sweap is integration-ready: the state-of-the-art Zapier integration allows you to take command of your operations and data.
Zapier lets you connect Sweap to 5,000+ other web services. Automated connections can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows.
Streamline your event marketing with centralized event listings. Seamlessly integrate them into your own website.
Sweaps API empowers you to effortlessly manage every aspect of your event, from creating and tracking events to analyzing guest statistics and efficiently handling guest lists.
Sweap is a very intuitive tool that can be integrated with very little effort. The integration of automation tools, such as "Zapier", which can take over individual processes and access the Sweap environment, is just as simple. This way, the manual effort can be greatly reduced and you can concentrate on the project itself!
Fabian GisderMultimedia Manager, Infinigate Deutschland GmbH
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