Your Events with Sweap Reduce Plastic in Our Oceans

We’ve committed to stopping a minimum of 3,500 kg of plastic waste per year entering our oceans.
Your events make the difference.

Our Commitment to More Sustainable Events

Events are waste generators, with an average attendee producing 1.89kg of waste per event day. In order to give ourselves and our users the chance to reduce the impact of our events on our environment, we have committed to preventing a minimum of 3,500 kg of plastic from entering the ocean.

Find out more about our sustainability commitment.

Your Power to Make Change

Our commitment is a minimum of 3,500 kg plastic per year. This is based on the average amount of registrations in paid Sweap accounts. The great part: As soon as we have reached this number, every registration for an event in a paid Sweap account increases the amount of plastic we save. This gives you the chance to make a direct impact with your events.

Our Partner for Cleaner Oceans

We have partnered with CleanHub, a Berlin-based company, who are building a collective solution to the plastic problem. With every event registration through a paid Sweap account, our partner saves 5g of non-recyclable plastic from entering the oceans.

Find out more how CleanHub operates.

Track Your Event's Impact at Any Time

For events created after 6th June 2024, you can always see how much plastic you have already saved in Sweap. Our widgets show you how many grams of waste you have already recovered and how far you need to go to reach your goal.

Learn how you can track your impact in Sweap.

Your Data is Always Safe

Your data and your guest's data will not be shared with our partner. We report the final amount of registrations through paid Sweap accounts at the end of the yearly period, which is usually in June of every year.

Find out more on data privacy at Sweap.

Resources on Event Sustainability

Want to make your events even more sustainable? Find interesting resources here.

You have questions on our partnership with CleanHub or our sustainability commitment?