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Green events: 10 Tips for Sustainable Events

  1. In This Article
  2. Green Events - 10+1 Tips for Sustainable Event Planning
  3. What are Green Events?
  4. The Benefits of Green Events: More Than Just Environmental Protection
  5. Green Events: How to Plan for 2024
  6. Is My Event a Green Event?
  7. 10 Tips for Switching to Green Events
  8. Do You Want to Make Your Events Green Events?

Green Events - 10+1 Tips for Sustainable Event Planning

In a world where sustainability has become not just a trend but a social standard and part of our lifestyle, Green Events are playing an increasingly important role. They offer the opportunity to design events that are forward-thinking and environmentally friendly-from small community festivals to major cultural events.

By digitalizing invitation and attendee management, you too can significantly reduce CO2 emissions and make a big step towards more sustainable event management. In this article, we provide practical tips to make your event management more sustainable.

What are Green Events?

Green Events, or sustainable events, are events specifically designed to promote environmentally friendly practices and conserve resources. They differ from conventional events in that they place special emphasis on environmental protection and social responsibility during planning, organization, and execution. The goal of Green Events is to minimize environmental impact while simultaneously raising awareness of sustainable practices among participants.

These measures include reducing waste, using renewable energy, minimizing the carbon footprint, and promoting inclusive and barrier-free event design. Through these conscious decisions, Green Events contribute not only to environmental sustainability but also to social sustainability. They are thus an expression of the growing global trend to act responsibly and minimize the ecological footprint of large events.

The Benefits of Green Events: More Than Just Environmental Protection

Choosing Green Events brings a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond mere environmental protection. They not only enhance a company's or brand's image but can also lead to significant cost savings. Here are some key benefits that Green Events offer:

  • Brand enhancement and value increase: Companies that conduct Green Events demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, which is positively perceived by guests, partners, and the public. This strengthens the brand image and can enhance participant loyalty.

  • Cost efficiency: Using digital solutions like event management software and reducing material consumption can significantly lower the overall costs of an event. For example, digital event communication not only saves paper but also the associated printing and shipping costs.

  • Increased participant numbers: Virtual event components can extend the reach of an event since participants can join regardless of geographical boundaries. This not only increases participant numbers but also the diversity among participants.

  • Sustainable networking: Green Events create a platform for like-minded individuals who value sustainability. This promotes sustainable networks and partnerships that last beyond the event.

  • Long-term impact: Integrating sustainability into events often inspires participants to adopt these practices in their own environments. This can lead to a long-term change in behavior and attitudes towards environmental issues.

Nowadays, it is undeniable: Sustainability is a concern for all of us. Consumers and business partners alike expect companies to contribute. For example, by planning and implementing sustainable Green Events.

Your Events Can
Make a Difference

We commit to collecting 3,500 kg of plastic yearly. After reaching this, each event registration increases the plastic saved, allowing you to make a direct impact.

Green Events: How to Plan for 2024

Sure, organizing an event is always a considerable effort. The idea of making structural changes for a Green Event might not seem very appealing, but it is worthwhile. Transitioning to Green Events is not just a trend or a temporary PR move but a movement that develops step by step. However, don't forget to communicate your Green Event externally.

It's not about being perfect from the start but about showing that your company engages with sustainability—and every guest at your Green Event will appreciate that. Moreover, more sustainable behavior does not always mean more work or higher costs—on the contrary, there are opportunities that can save you effort through smart solutions. We will reveal five tricks that require little effort.

Is My Event a Green Event?

Whether an event is truly a Green Event can be easily verified. You can have your Green Event certified, for example by "Green Globe," "EMAS (Eco Management and Audit Scheme)," or the ISO 20121 standard. In Germany, there is also the sustainability code "fairpflichtet"—a voluntary commitment for the event and convention industry. The code includes guidelines for Green Events, and participants are encouraged to report on compliance and violations.

10 Tips for Switching to Green Events

It's time to focus on concrete tips for switching to Green Events.

Tip 1: Fully Paperless Event Management

To minimize paper consumption in event organization, paperless event management is essential. Using event management software for event registration and communication allows key aspects of event management to be handled paperlessly. Software and apps for online invitations and guest management not only reduce the need for physical materials but also enhance the sustainability of your events.

Consider using event apps that not only simplify communication and planning but also feature digital name tags and interactive event plans. These technologies enable participants to access all necessary information directly from their smartphones, further reducing the need for printed materials. Additionally, digitalizing the feedback process saves paper and allows you to quickly and easily gather valuable insights from event participants.

Tip 2: Promote Low-Emission Mobility

Encourage your guests to travel to your event with low emissions. Recommend public transport and support car-sharing options. Good accessibility of the event location and accommodations by foot, bicycle, or public transport is essential. Adjust event times to public transport schedules and communicate eco-friendly mobility offers in advance.

Digital event registration makes it possible to generate information about participants' travel and accommodation details.

Provide detailed information about public transport, bicycle routes, and car-sharing options on your event website or app. Use clearly visible information about public transport, shuttles, and other transport options at the event venue. Offer incentives for using public transport, such as discounts or a free drink. Organize group taxis, a shuttle service, or carpooling if the public transport network is insufficient. Also, ensure safe and weatherproof bicycle parking and use a resource-saving fleet.

Tip 3: Use Reusable Materials for Event Equipment

Focus on sustainability in your event equipment by using reusable materials. This includes reusable name tags, decorations, and stage elements that you can store and reuse after the event. Such practices reduce waste and save costs in the long run.

Consider purchasing or renting modular equipment that can be adapted for various event formats. Invest in high-quality, durable materials that are not only environmentally friendly but also enhance the aesthetic level of your event. You can also form partnerships with local event equipment providers to ensure that all materials are reused or properly recycled after the event.

Tip 4: Use Comprehensive Checklists for Your Green Event

Ensure every detail of your event is sustainably managed by using comprehensive checklists. These checklists help you oversee all aspects of event planning and ensure that everything from the choice of venue to waste disposal is sustainable.

Get our comprehensive checklist for sustainable events: "Are you ready to make your next event truly sustainable? Download our detailed checklist for Green Events and make sure you don't overlook anything. Our checklist will help you turn your event into a Green Event. Download the checklist now and start your sustainable journey!

Tip 5: Reduce Paper Waste with Digital Check-In

Use digital event check-in to reduce paper waste at your event. These systems offer an efficient and environmentally friendly solution that not only speeds up the process but also minimizes the use of physical resources.

Optimized admission: digital check-ins offer convenience and sustainability.

Digital check-in systems not only improve the guest experience by providing faster access and shorter waiting times, but they also help maintain real-time attendee numbers.

Tip 6: Use Event Management Software That Supports Ecological Projects

Opt for event management software that simplifies your planning processes and actively supports ecological projects. Many providers of such software offer features specifically designed to minimize the environmental impacts of events and promote sustainability initiatives.

Every event registration with Sweap saves plastic from entering the ocean and can be accurately tracked.

For example, using Sweap for your event management allows you to directly contribute: Each registration for your event helps prevent 5 g of plastic from entering the ocean.

Here you can learn more about how you can make a change with sustainable Event-Management-Software.

Tip 7: Consider Accessibility and Inclusion in Event Planning

Consider aspects such as barrier-free access, appropriate signage, comprehensible communication tools for the hearing impaired, and visual aids for the visually impaired when planning. Also offer materials in simple language or large print to ensure information is understandable for everyone. It is also helpful to train staff experienced in dealing with special needs to create a supportive and welcoming atmosphere.

Tip 8: Choose Environmentally Friendly Locations and Providers

Bring the event to your guests instead of the other way around. Do 80% of your guests live in Berlin? Why then bring everyone to Frankfurt? Make the location of your event regional and urban as one of the main criteria in your search and encourage your guests to leave their cars behind. A small measure that can have a significant effect depending on the number of participants and make your event more of a Green Event.

Organize your events at a location that is easily accessible by public transport or bike.

If it's unavoidable, ensure that your event location is easily accessible by public transport, offer to cover the cost of a train ticket for your guests, or organize car-sharing. This not only incidentally encourages your guests to act more sustainably but also saves them long trips and inner-city car rides, which—especially during rush hour—everyone gladly avoids.

Additionally, ensure that your event locations and service providers adhere to sustainable practices. Choose environmentally certified and, if possible, barrier-free locations and accommodation providers. Make sure they use energy-efficient technologies, provide environmentally friendly energy and water supplies, and implement a concept to protect animals and nature at events in nature, such as designated areas for tents. Prefer providers that use sustainable products for temporary structures, such as recyclable or environmentally certified materials, e.g., certified wooden floors. Also, ensure that environmentally friendly mobile toilets and barrier-free sanitary facilities are available.

Tip 9: Implement Sustainable Catering for Your Green Event

Opt for sustainable catering at your event. Prefer catering providers that use regional and seasonal products and are transparent about the origin of their ingredients. This not only supports local producers and reduces the CO2 footprint through shorter transport routes but also ensures fresh and high-quality food at your event.

Compostable utensils have the advantage that even the non-reusable items do not pollute the environment.

Find out if your caterers implement eco-friendly practices such as using compostable dishes and cutlery or minimizing food waste. Also, offering vegetarian and vegan options can not only protect the environment but also meet the dietary needs of all guests. Ensure that the catering staff is informed and trained in sustainable practices to ensure consistent implementation.

Tip 10: Invite Your Guests to Act Sustainably

Encourage your guests to actively participate in environmentally friendly practices during the event. Provide recycling stations and promote awareness of waste separation and reduction. This not only helps minimize the environmental impact of your event but also strengthens the environmentally conscious behavior of your participants.

Offer incentives for using public transport or carpooling to the event. For example, provide discounts or special benefits for guests who travel in an eco-friendly manner. Inform guests in advance about your event's environmental measures and how they can contribute to achieving these goals. Also, consider offering interactive workshops or information booths on topics such as recycling, energy saving, and sustainable living during the event to raise awareness and engagement.

Bonus Tip: Actively Promote Your Event as a Green Event

Use all available communication channels to promote your event as a Green Event. This is an essential part of your event marketing strategy, as it not only raises awareness of sustainability but also enhances the positive image of your event among participants, sponsors, and the wider public.

Create special marketing materials as part of your event marketing that highlight the sustainable aspects of your event, such as the use of renewable energy, the provision of regional and seasonal food, or the minimization of waste. Use social media to share stories and updates about your sustainability efforts and to stimulate interactions on this topic. You can also develop a special logo or seal that identifies your event as a sustainable event. Additionally, it is helpful to present feedback and success stories from previous events to underscore the credibility and appeal of your Green Event.

Do You Want to Make Your Events Green Events?

Sustainable event planning is not just a matter of ecological responsibility but also offers an excellent opportunity to enhance your company's image and save costs. By implementing digital solutions such as paperless check-in, using environmentally friendly locations and providers, and promoting low-emission mobility, you significantly reduce your ecological footprint. Sustainable catering and actively inviting your guests to act environmentally responsibly further enhance this effect.

Sweap plays a crucial role in supporting your sustainability efforts. Each registration generated through Sweap contributes to preventing plastic waste. We have committed to ensuring that 3500 kg of plastic does not enter the oceans. Here you can learn more about our sustainability initiative.

Would you like to see how Sweap can make your event more sustainable? Book a demo with one of our event experts and discover how you can not only protect the environment but also create an unforgettable event experience. Book your demo now.

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