• Event Marketing

Checklist: Mastering Social Media Engagement at Events

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  2. Social Media Engagement Checklist
  3. Over to you

These days, no public event goes without social media exposure. Most people check their socials daily, so it's a game-changer for event planners, offering a powerful way to boost your event's profile and engage with a broader audience.

Your social media strategy could be focusing on creating that viral buzz, turning each post into an opportunity for more exposure and interaction, or keeping attendees hooked, both before and after the event. Regardless of your end goal, harnessing social media's power can significantly amplify your event's reach and impact.

But how do you make sure you've got all the steps right? That's where a good checklist comes into play!

"A good checklist" is designed to guide you through the intricacies of crafting a robust social media campaign. From pre-event buzz to post-event discussions, it should cover every aspect of social media engagement, ensuring that your event not only garners attention but also fosters a lasting connection with your audience. 

Understanding the dynamics of social media engagement is key to unlocking its full potential. A solid social media engagement checklist is more than just a set of tasks; it's a roadmap to creating meaningful interactions and building a vibrant online community around your event. 

It delves into essential elements such as identifying the right platforms, crafting engaging content, leveraging influencers, and measuring success.

Social Media Engagement Checklist

Each point on the checklist is backed by expert knowledge, providing a solid foundation for any event planner looking to make a significant impact online. Whether you're new to social media or looking to refine your existing strategies, this checklist is your go-to resource for mastering social media engagement and turning your event into a talked-about online phenomenon.

Define social media goals and KPIs

Clear goals and KPIs not only provide a roadmap for your strategy but also serve as benchmarks to measure success, ensuring your efforts align with the overall objectives of the event. Whether you want to increase your event community following, spread the word through reposts, or generate authentic UGC around your event, defining your goals and measurements is the first step to success. 

Select relevant social media platforms

Selecting the most relevant social media platforms is crucial for reaching your target audience. Understanding where your audience spends their time online enables you to focus your efforts on platforms that will maximize engagement and interaction.

Create a social media content calendar

A well-planned social media content calendar is vital for maintaining a consistent and timely online presence. It ensures a steady stream of content, keeping your audience engaged and informed about the event at all its stages.

Did you know that you can also use AI to create such a calendar?

Prompt example from the AI prompt collection included in The Walls.io Event Professional's Toolkit.

Appoint a social media manager for the event

Having a dedicated social media manager ensures a cohesive and professional online presence, and honestly, makes your life as an event planner so much easier. This person will be responsible for executing the strategy, engaging with attendees, and adapting to any live developments during the event.

Develop branded hashtags for the event

Create unique, branded hashtags for your event to streamline online conversations. These hashtags not only enhance visibility but also make it easier to track engagement and participant interaction across various social media platforms.

Plan pre-event promotional posts

Strategically timed pre-event promotional posts are key to building anticipation and excitement. These teasers provide a glimpse of what attendees can expect, encouraging them to share and talk about the event with their networks, building excitement around your event. 

Create a social media wall for live engagement

A live social wall at your event is like a digital campfire where everyone gathers to share their stories. It gets everyone posting their favorite moments from your event in real time, making the event vibe more dynamic and interactive. 

Encourage attendees to check in and tag the event

Motivate attendees to check in and tag the event on their social media profiles. This not only extends the event's reach but also personalizes the experience for the participants, making them feel like an integral part of the event.

Download the full collection of event planning checklists from The Walls.io Event Professional’s Toolkit for free. Discover more event planning resources, including templates, guides, stats, and ideas to streamline your planning process and create an unforgettable event experience.

Live-tweet or stream key moments from the event

Live-tweeting (or are we saying live-xing now?) or streaming key moments on your social channels keeps your online audience engaged and gives them a taste of the live experience. This real-time sharing creates a buzz and can attract attention from those not physically present at the event.

Share behind-the-scenes content

Offering a peek behind the scenes adds a personal touch to your event’s social media presence. This type of content humanizes your brand and creates a deeper connection with your audience by showing the effort and excitement that goes into making the event happen.

Engage with attendee posts and comments

Actively engaging with attendees' posts and comments fosters a sense of community. Responding to feedback, answering questions, and sharing user-generated content shows that you value participant involvement and enhances the overall experience.

Capture testimonials and quotes for future use

Collecting testimonials and quotes during the event provides valuable content for future marketing efforts. These authentic voices lend credibility and can be powerful tools in promoting subsequent events, especially if you repurpose them right. 

Monitor social media for issues to address

Social media isn’t just a tool to promote your event, it’s also one of the first places people go to share their experiences, good and bad. So keeping an eye on social media for real-time feedback can help in addressing any issues promptly. Remember, the proactive approach not only improves the attendee experience but also demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Send post-event thank you messages and recaps

Post-event thank you messages and recaps are essential for maintaining engagement after the event has ended. They strengthen relationships with attendees and keep the conversation going, potentially increasing interest in future events. Idea: once you incorporate the right tools into your event experience, you can also share something tangible and personalized, like branded selfies. 

Analyze post-event social media metrics

Post-event analysis of social media metrics provides insights into what worked and what didn’t. This evaluation is crucial for refining strategies for future events, ensuring continuous improvement in your social media engagement efforts.

Create a social media report for stakeholders

Compiling a social media report for stakeholders encapsulates the entire campaign's performance. This document highlights successes, areas for improvement, and the overall impact of your social media efforts on the event's success.

Use reliable event management software

While mastering your social media strategy, it's equally crucial to optimize the backend operations of your event. This is where a reliable event management software like Sweap comes into play. Sweap provides an integrated platform that helps reduce the multitude of manual tasks, prevent data loss, and ensure data security. 

This not only allows for more efficient organization but also the seamless integration of your social media activities. For example, by being able to access relevant data directly from Sweap to personalize your social media posts and campaigns, you strengthen the connection between your online activities and the real-world event experience. This not only makes the job of event managers easier but also enhances attendee engagement through a seamless, integrated experience. Interested in finding out more? Talk to our event experts today!

Over to you

That's a wrap on nailing social media engagement for your events! Keep this checklist close and remember, with the right mix of strategy, creativity, and interaction, your events will not only capture the attention of your audience but also leave a lasting impression.

Dive in, have fun with it, and watch as your events become the talk of the town!

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